The Dash

What if you just took your last breath? Dash of life

How would you feel?  Would you feel accomplished?  Would you have regrets?  What would you be known for?

A morbid thought?  Maybe, but the reality is that no one knows when we will take our last breath.  As one of my most favorite statements “Life is not about the breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.”  The reality is that it’s not about the dates on the obituary, but rather the DASH in between. 

How did you spend your DASH? 

This is a question I ponder from time to time and wonder if I am one of the few or the majority.  We try to do good for others, do the right thing, plan our next step or steps, look at the future and what we can do with it.  We just ultimately don’t know how long the dash can be and when it will all end. 

In the conversation of plans, have you thought about what happens if your dash comes to a sudden halt?  Are you prepared personally?  What about your business; is it prepared?  Will life move forward for your family or all come crashing down around them? 

At this point, you are probably trying to figure out if this is some sort of a plug for life planning or life insurance.  It could be, but my main reason for bringing this up as a topic is because I come across far too many people that are not participating in their life.  I, myself have to take time to focus on this as well.  I think it is something we all struggle with, because the “everyday” things get in the way and take over.  None of us know how long our dash will be, it could be decades long or just another instant. 

So, what will you do with your DASH?!
