Not getting what you want… Do you Chase instead of Attract?
Do you want to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but it keeps eluding you? Maybe so much that you start to doubt that there even is a pot of gold?
Have you heard of the ‘BE * DO = HAVE’ formula? Or of the more realistic version ‘(BE * DO)T = HAVE’ ?
This formula states that for whatever you want to HAVE, you will need to persist in Doing, which you only can do because you Become the person that would consistently Do the right thing. In other words: ‘Be times DO, will over time, lead to HAVE.’ The power of this formula is that it puts attention to the fact that you will likely have to change first, in order to consistently do the things that will lead to what you want to have.
But either you haven’t heard of this, or you understand the concept, but struggle in applying the concept, because despite hard work, you still are not getting what you want.
That is maybe because you ‘Chase’ instead of ‘Attract’. What does that mean?
A simple example will explain the difference:
“I want to be Rich” is really a statement about what you want to have. Things like nice houses and lots of money. Now compare this to “I want to Know how to make loads of money” which is a ‘Be’ statement. You have to become someone who knows how to make (and keep) money first, before you will Do the making of the money, before you can have it.
Chasing riches will be an endless pursuit if you never changed yourself. Because consistently doing the things that make (and keep) the money will then forever be hard to do. That is the difference between chasing an outcome, versus attracting an outcome because you became a different person.
Another reason why you might Chase instead of Attract is because your core values clash with who you have to BE in order to do the right things that attract.
A simple example is someone who has a high value of being a family man, but sets a goal that will totally sacrifice all time available for the family. This person will either have to become someone who lowers the value of family time (at least for a while) or will constantly experience friction with the end goal, and if the family time wins, will not do enough consistently to reach the goal.
If you want the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, become a leprechaun. And have peace with being a leprechaun. Otherwise you will chase that end of the rainbow forever…
Let’s get practical:
- Ask yourself what you want to have
- What type of person would you have to become to reach that goal?
- Is being that person in sync with your core values?
Attract the right things because you feel happy with who you have become. Never chase instead of attract….